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Frequently Asked Questions
I searched AIS by my surname and found entries with different abbreviations in the references. What do they mean and which archive should I turn to?
What records are held in Tartu and what records in Tallinn?
What documents can be found in the regional departments of the State Archives?
Why do I have to register before using Saaga?
Why are some pages scanned twice?
Why does it take so much time to display a frame?
Why is it not possible to download the images of an entire book all at once?
Is it possible to develop search options for the contents of the Saaga collection?
Why are some churchbooks missing from the Saaga collection? Will they never be in Saaga?
How can I communicate with other family history researchers and ask for their advice?
Can I order digital copies in the archives?
What are the opening hours of the archives and can I visit the reading room also on Saturdays?
Is there a fee for a reader's ticket?
What is a file?
What is AIS?
Why have the frames from one book not been joined into a single set as it is otherwise done when presenting texts on the Web?
Can I also order the originals of records displayed in Saaga into the reading rooms?
I know that my grandmother was born on March 27, 1892, but in the parish register the date is noted as March 15?
My ancestor's cause of death is noted as "köhho töpe" (an archaic phrase for a disease in Estonian) in the parish register of the middle of the 18th century. Where can I find its present-day meaning?
How do I know which congregation did my ancestors belong to?
My father was born on August 15, 1932 in Tartu. Where would I find his birth entry?
Which restrictions on access can the archives impose unilaterally?
What kind of personal data is with restricted access?
What kind of personal data is with free access?
What is consideration?
Does a researcher answer for using the personal data which has come to her/his knowledge?
My father's birth place is noted as "Tecknal" in the parish register of the Türi Lutheran congregation. Is this a village or a manor and where is it located nowadays?
What is VAU?
Is it possible to study all archival documents within the VAU?
Can I pay for copies also by bank card in the archives?
Do I have to remember myself which records did I order the copies from or will the archives stamp the paper copies?
Why are copy deadlines in the National Archives so long? I would like to receive the copies at once.
Do I have to come to the archives to receive the copies I ordered?
Can I order digital copies also to my email?
Can I order copies just on the basis of reference codes, without seeing the record?
I found a reference to the land registry file of my farm on the AIS. How can I order it to Tallinn?
Does the researcher have access to all records?
Is it possible to copy or print an image or a part of it?
What is a session? How long is it and do I have to start all over again when it ends?
If I do not know German or Gothic script, can I still do research on my family history?
If I know the names of my ancestors and the congregation where they were baptised and married, but not the exact dates, which kind of parish registers should I start with?
Are there ready-made family trees in the archive?
How can I find the document I am interested in?
How is it possible to study the records?
Why is it not possible to borrow the records home?
I would like to order copies from my grandfather's student file. How much do the copies cost and what kind of copies can I order?
Is it possible to order paper copies of all records?
Why are the copy prices in the archives so high? I know a much cheaper place, why cannot I go there with the record?
Can I take pictures of records in the reading room with my own camera?
Is it allowed to scan records with my own scanner in the reading room?
What is the interarchival loan service?
Must one pay for the interarchival loan service?
Is it possible to order all records through the interarchival loan service?
How quickly will the interarchival loan orders be completed?
How many records can I order at a time and for how long?
Why is access to some public record restricted?
What sort of access restrictions may occur in the National Archives?
Under what conditions may you gain access to sensitive or private personal data?
What is an archival notice and what is it needed for?
Can I publish the data found in Saaga?
Do I have to pay for an archival notice?
How can I pay for an archival notice?
How can I apply for an archival notice?
How to fill in the on-line enquiry form?
How do I receive the archival notice?
What are personal databases?
What is Linkbook?
Why would I want to use Linkbook?
Is it possible to receive a digitally signed archival notice?
How is it possible to use the digitised records in Saaga that have restricted access?
What is the information letter?
What is the register of maps and what can you find in it?
How to search for a map?
Can you order a copy of a map and how can you do it?
How can you study a map which digital image is not available in the register of maps?
Can you view the originals of the digitised maps in the archives’ reading rooms?
Can you download the digitised maps to your computer or print them out?
Is the register of maps connected to the VAU linkbook?