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23.84 58.7950, 23.86 58.8050
Identity Description
TitleCharta Öfver Crono Godset Kurrefer Hoff med Nurms och Ragna Byar, belägne uti Estland Wikens District och Martens Sochn
Map typeSingle sheet map
Reference codeEAA.1.2.C-I-47 sheet 1
Stiliseeritud leppemärkidega eristatud mõisasüdamed, talukohad, mõisa abihooned pealt vaates; mõisapiirid ja piiripunktid; teedevõrk, aiad; mõisa külviväljad, talukõlvikute omandijaotus; vetevõrk, rannajoon (fragment Matsalu lahe idaosast); illustreeritud kompass-roos
Firstname Lastname Occupation of cartographer Creators position
Johan Holmberg author of base map
Georg Friedrich Kalmberg Svenska General Landtmäteri Contoiret cartographer
Cartographical and Publishing Description
Main subjectNot set
Material designatonplan
Manuscript/Printedmanuscript copy
Certified byRootsi kuninglik maamõõdukontor, 24 aprill 1786
Base map(s) year1689
Components and Mathematical Description
Componentsexplication, compass, graphical scale
AzimuthNot set
Textual scaleSvenskt Alnematt; 2500 alnar = 14,8 cm
Relative scale10400
Geographical Description
Admin unit Specification
Estonia (to 1917) / Estonia Guberniya / Lääne County / Martna Parish / Kurevere Manor "Nurms Byy", "Ragna Byy" (Raana?); Keskvere, Patsu, Lihula, Matsalu lahe vaheline ala
Physical Description
Storage formstreched
Material and mountingpaper
Dimensions (cm)93x58/A0
Access-restrictionsNo access restriction