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24.54 59.35, 24.93 59.59
Identity Description
Title | Планъ одной части сада, состоящаго на Ревельскомъ Форштате, въ I. Квартале, принадлежащаго жене Ревельскаго купца Jоахима Гиппиуса, каковая часть сдана будетъ казне на постройку Мортирной батарей. |
Map type | Single sheet map |
Reference code | EAA.79.2.7 sheet 1 |
Firstname | Lastname | Occupation of cartographer | Creators position |
Georg Gustav | Storch | Eestimaa kubermangu maamõõtja | land surveyor and cartographer |
Cartographical and Publishing Description
Main subject | Not set |
Material designaton | plan |
Manuscript/Printed | manuscript copy |
Created | 1837 |
Components and Mathematical Description
Components | explication, graphical scale |
Azimuth | Not set |
Textual scale | 50 sülda =12,7cm |
Relative scale | 840 |
Geographical Description
Admin unit | Specification |
Estonia (to 1917) / Estonia Guberniya / Harju County / Tallinn City/Town (1248-1917) |
Physical Description
Storage form | streched |
Material and mounting | paper |
Medium | ink+coloured |
Dimensions (cm) | 28x18/A4 |
Access-restrictions | No access restriction |