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25.12 59.33, 25.62 59.48
Identity Description
TitleCharte der Post Station Jeglecht mit dem vom Gute Jeglecht abgegebenen Platze zum Bau einer Herberge.
Map typeSingle sheet map
Reference codeEAA.854.2.5318 sheet 9
Jägala postijaama ja Jägala mõisa poolt pansionaadi ehitamiseks antud maa-ala plaan. Kaardil on ka pitser.
Firstname Lastname Occupation of cartographer Creators position
J. H. Schmidt Ehstl. Forst Geometer land surveyor and cartographer
Cartographical and Publishing Description
Main subjectNot set
Material designatonplan
Manuscript/Printedmanuscript original
Created19. saj keskpaik (Estimated)
Components and Mathematical Description
Componentscompass, graphical scale
AzimuthNot set
Relative scale420 (Estimated)
Geographical Description
Admin unit Specification
Estonia (to 1917) / Estonia Guberniya / Harju County / Jõelähtme Parish / Jägala Manor Jägala postijaam
Physical Description
Storage formstreched
Material and mountingpaper
Dimensions (cm)Not set
Access-restrictionsNo access restriction