Detailed description

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24.63959 59.38984, 24.82361 59.46633
Identity Description
TitleKadrioru ranna plaan
Map typeSingle sheet map
Reference codeERA.T-7.1.159 sheet 1
Sügavused ja maapinna kõrgused on meetrites ja arvatud Tallinna ordinaarist
Firstname Lastname Occupation of cartographer Creators position
Pavlov joonestaja cartographer
Cartographical and Publishing Description
Main subjecthydrographic
Material designatonplan
Manuscript/Printedmanuscript original
Certified byVeeteede Valitsuse Projekteerimise büroo, 1. 05. 1939
Components and Mathematical Description
Componentsgraphical scale
AzimuthNot set
Relative scale2000
Geographical Description
Admin unit Specification
Estonia (1917-1950) / Tallinn City/Town (1917-1950)
Physical Description
Storage formfolder
Material and mountingtracing cloth
Dimensions (cm)46x58/A1
Access-restrictionsNo access restriction
Maps referred to by this map
Reference code Relation
ERA.T-7.1.160 sheet 1