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25.71 58.87, 28.25 59.58
Identity Description
TitleТопографическая карта Вирскаго Уезда.
Map typeSingle sheet map
Reference codeEAA.46.2.116 sheet 1
Asustusüksused märgitud punktiga; maakonna - ja mõisapiirid, maakonna poolitab tundmatu punane joon; teedevõrgu olemasolu; märgitud kabelid, postijaamad, sadamad jne; mägised, soised ja metsaalad märgitud leppemärgiga.
Firstname Lastname Occupation of cartographer Creators position
Johann Frey kreisimaamõõtja cartographer
Cartographical and Publishing Description
Main subjectNot set
Material designatonplan
Manuscript/Printedmanuscript original
Components and Mathematical Description
Componentsexplication, legend for symbols, compass
AzimuthNot set
Textual scale[25 versta = 12,7 cm]
Relative scale210000
Geographical Description
Admin unit Specification
Estonia (to 1917) / Estonia Guberniya / Viru County
Physical Description
Storage formstreched
Material and mountingpaper
Dimensions (cm)99x63/A0
Access-restrictionsNo access restriction