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26.51 59.34, 26.66 59.40
Identity Description
TitleCopie eines Theils der Uchtenschen Charte darjenige Stück betreffend welches die Grenzen des im Maholmschen Kirchspiele belegenen und zu dem Guthe Uchten gehörigen Dörfes Semm, anzeigt
Map typeSingle sheet map
Reference codeEAA.46.2.201 sheet 1
Stiliseeritud leppemärgiga mõisasüda; leppemärkidega pealtvaates talud, kõrts, augu koht; teedevõrk, külateed, sillad; reljeef; vetevõrk; kaunistatud pealkirjaraam ja kompassroos
Firstname Lastname Occupation of cartographer Creators position
Sigismund von Staden author of base map
Cartographical and Publishing Description
Main subjectNot set
Material designatonplan
Manuscript/Printedmanuscript duplicate
Certified by1.06.1792
Base map(s) year1652
Components and Mathematical Description
Componentsillustrated, compass, graphical scale
Textual scaleMaasstab nach Schwedischen Landmesser 3000 Ellen = 15,1 cm
Relative scale12000
Geographical Description
Admin unit Specification
Estonia (to 1917) / Estonia Guberniya / Viru County / Rakvere Parish / Uhtna Manor Sämi
Physical Description
Storage formNot set
Material and mountingpaper
Dimensions (cm)52x37/A2
Access-restrictionsNo access restriction