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Fond TitleTrükikäitis Postimees (AIS)
Reference CodeEAA.2111.1.16093.1 (AIS)
TypePhoto(single photo)
WWW VisibilityPublic
Content data
Content text: Original 16093. British Official Photograph No. B.949. War Office Photograph. Crown Copyright Reserved. "With the British troops in France". Two British soldiers on the look-out under arctic weather conditions in an advanced position in the Maginot Line. 8/1/40. Photographic News Agencies LTD., 47, Fleet street, E.C.4. Britich official photograph No. B949. issued by Photographic News Agencies, LTD, 47 Fleet street, London, E.C.4. Tel: Central 8982.
Content text: Edited Briti vaatepost kergekuulipildujaga Bren Maginot' kaitseliinil
Computer-detected objectsinimene
Period 08.01.1940
Geographic Information
Admin Unit Place Specifics
Administrative Units / other / Europe Continent / Western Europe Region / France
Additional description
Technical data
Version: originaal; Sub-version: positiiv; Color: must-valge; Carrier: paber; Frame: 14,5x19,6; Paper: 15,2x20; Entrys on photo: Label(Reverse), Ink stamp(Reverse);