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Fond TitleAarand Roos (AIS)
Reference CodeERA.5659.1.290.80 (AIS)
TypePhoto(album photo - glued into the album)
Belongs To AlbumAlbum fotodega Aarand Roosi lapsepõlvest ja koolieast Rootsis
(Includes 118 Photos. Open List)
WWW VisibilityPublic
Content data
Content text: Edited Aarand Roos murul istumas
Period 06.1955
Last Name First Name Notes (About Person Generally) Notes (Person On Foto)
Bengtsson M.-G. 1950ndatel Rootsis
Person on Photo
Row No Last Name First Name Notes (About Person Generally) Notes (Person On Foto)
Roos Aarand 28.05.1940- 09.08.2020 Keeleteadlane, kirjanik, diplomaat. 1944-77 Rootsis, Lundi Ülikooli soome-ugri keelte professori kohustustes, a-st 1978 USAs, 1982-95 Eesti Vabariigi konsul New Yorgis. A-st 1996 Eestis. Eesti Kristliku Rahvapartei liige
Geographic Information
Admin Unit Place Specifics
Administrative Units / other / Europe Continent / Northern Europe Region / Sweden
Additional description
Technical data
Format Group: 6x6; Version: originaal; Sub-version: positiiv; Color: must-valge; Carrier: paber;