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Reference CodeERA.1298.1.479.118
WWW VisibilityPublic
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Content text: Edited Eveline Maydell koeraga Valges majas
Period 1928
Person on Photo
Row No Last Name First Name Notes (About Person Generally) Notes (Person On Foto)
Maydell Eveline von 19.05.1890 Teheran - 1962 Portugal. Käärilõikekunstnik. Saksa diplomaadi Hermann Franki ja Auguste v Brandti tütar, elas al 1900 Pärnumaal, õppis vabakuulajana Peterburi Kunstiakadeemias ja 1912-1913 Düsseldorfi Kunstiakadeemias, abiellus 1914 Guido v Maydelliga, elas Sileesias (Poola), alates 1922/23 Ameerika Ühendriikides, al 1950 Portugalis
Geographic Information
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Administrative Units / other / Americas Continent / Northern America Region / United States of America Washington;;
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Eveline Maydell koeraga Valges majas ERA.1298.1.462.70